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A state-of-the-art ecosystem for neuroscience

EBRAINS is on a mission to revolutionise how neuroscience is conducted. The digital ecosystem that we provide enables advances in brain research that translate to innovations in neuroscience, healthcare and technology.

A digital research infrastructure

Accelerating collaborative brain research

EBRAINS provides a digital research infrastructure that accelerates collaborative brain research between leading organizations and researchers across the fields of neuroscience, brain health, and brain-related technologies.

About EBRAINS illustration
A culture of collaboration

Committed to open science

The EBRAINS community exemplifies open science, collaborating on new research projects and infrastructure development, sharing data and knowledge, and working across disciplines, institutions and borders. EBRAINS is a member of the European Open Science Cloud association (EOSC). EBRAINS is also dedicated to promoting Responsible Research and Innovation practices and to helping shape research in ethically sound ways that serve the public interest.

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Collaborative community

Join the EBRAINS Community

The EBRAINS Community is a platform and an interdisciplinary collaborative environment. Join the EBRAINS Community, create your profile, watch the Community Space tutorial videos, and select the subcommunities of your interest. Find and give help with fellow users and developers of EBRAINS. Join colleagues to review, evaluate and improve tools, services, training and more. Have discussions and events about science in the EBRAINS environment. Establish work groups in your subcommunities. Apply to develop your own subcommunity for your specific field of interest. The EBRAINS Community is for collaboration, so use it for the collaborations you want to be part of. Get involved.

Scientific vision

Interoperability at the core

EBRAINS Research Infrastructure’s uniqueness resides in our ambition to make extensive brain data, tools, and models interoperable. This enables researchers to bridge data scales and draw on work from across disciplines to address questions in neuroscience that have been roadblocks for progress.

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EBRAINS is an international non-profit association (AISBL), headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. It is made up of 10 Full Members and over 50 Associate Members. The Research Infrastructure is organised around a central hub that coordinates a pan-European network of services delivered through National Nodes. EBRAINS is governed by three bodies, the General Assembly, the Governing Board and the Management Board. A National Node Board gathers Node representatives. EBRAINS also has two Advisory Committees, the Science and Technology one and the Ethics and Society one which will soon be instated.

EBRAINS Governance

EBRAINS is organised around a central hub that coordinates a pan-European network of services that are delivered through national nodes.

EBRAINS National Nodes

Our roadmap towards greater interoperability

EBRAINS’ mission is to enable the academic and scientific community to advance research in neuroscience by leveraging big data and modern information and communications technologies (ICT) in an integrated way. Unlocking new knowledge about the brain has the potential to making incredible progress in medicine and technology that benefits people and our society.

  • 2019


    The EBRAINS research infrastructure, a key outcome of the EU-funded Human Brain Project, is officially launched.

  • 2021


    EBRAINS included in the European ESFRI roadmap, listing “best-in-class” European Research Infrastructures.

  • 2022


    Enhanced data sets, tools, software and workflows to facilitate brain research.

  • 2023-2024


    Interoperable services from data to simulation to model validation made available through an integrated and user-friendly platform. New services available to work with patient data in a fully GDPR compliant way.

  • 2025-2026


    Integration of a whole series of medical data services to accelerate brain health research. New cutting-edge testing facility in place providing state-of-the-art support to the validation of AI and robotics based solutions in the healthcare sector.

Make the most out of EBRAINS

EBRAINS is open and free. Sign up now for complete access to our tools and services.

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