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26 Jun 2024

FENS Forum 2024 starts in Vienna – check out EBRAINS activities during the conference

FENS Networking Event Panel

'Challenges of multidisciplinarity for training, career and funding in Neuroscience' networking event at the FENS Forum 2024

The Federation European of Neuroscience Societies (FENS) currently represents 40 neuroscience societies and more than 22,000 member scientists. The biennial FENS Forum is Europe’s largest neuroscience congress, covering all areas of neuroscience from basic to translational research. The FENS Forum 2024 programme features plenary and special lectures, scientific symposia, technical workshops, special interest events, career development and networking opportunities, and more.

Participants of the conference can learn more about EBRAINS, watch demonstrations of Open Science Tools, and find out how the EBRAINS digital infrastructure can advance neuroscience research at the EBRAINS booth 704A in the exhibition hall.

On the opening day of the Forum, EBRAINS Management Board member, Infrastructure, Prof. Jan Bjaalie spoke at the 'Challenges of multidisciplinarity for training, career and funding in Neuroscience' joint networking event. Organised by the FENS Higher Education and Training Committee (CHET), ERA-NET Neuron and EBRAINS, this event explored essential components of neuroscientist training, pathways for transitioning across diverse domains and disciplines, and strategies for entering science related roles in technology, education, and communication.

FENS Networking Event Panel 2
'Challenges of multidisciplinarity for training, career and funding in Neuroscience' networking event at the FENS Forum 2024

“When everybody is talking about open science, and what to do with research data, you might wonder how to respond to requests from funders, journals, or institutions”, said Prof. Bjaalie, advising researchers in the audience to explore EBRAINS. “There, you can easily find solutions for sharing and publishing data – and build a completely new CV that will make you stand out as a competitive researcher in the future.”

EBRAINS Networking Event - ‘Meet EBRAINS Research Infrastructure: The Digital State-of-the-Art Ecosystem for Neuroscience’ 

Attendees at the FENS Forum 2024 will have the chance to learn how the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure can support their career and how it is supporting the future of brain science in Europe during a dedicated networking event on Wednesday, 26 June from 18h45 – 20h15 in Hall H.

All FENS attendees are welcome, from students to PIs, biologists to physicists, academics to industry representatives and policymakers. Free drinks and snacks will be served during the event.


18h45-18h50: Welcome address (5 min) by Prof. Philippe Vernier, Joint-CEO of EBRAINS 

18h50-19h30: Contributing to the Future of Brain Science Research in Europe - A deep dive into EBRAINS Open Science Tools and discover how you can engage with us (40 min)  

  • Wouter Klijn, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 

  • Maja A. Puchades, University of Oslo 

  • Judith Kathrein, Medical University Innsbruck 

19h30-20h15: Cocktail and Networking session (45 min) 

Plenary lecture

On Friday, 28 June 2024, Prof. Maurizio Corbetta, Chair of Neurology in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Padua and leader of large European team in the EBRAINS 2.0 project that is working with human clinical maps and connectomes, will present the plenary lecture “Architecture and function of spontaneous brain activity: health and pathology”. In his talk, Prof. Corbetta will discuss the role of spontaneous brain activity in shaping the structural and functional organisation of the brain.

Come join us at our booth until Saturday, 29 June included and looking forward to meeting you at one of the events featuring EBRAINS.

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