voluba-mriwarp step-by-step example
In this tutorial, you will warp an example MRI scan to MNI ICBM 152 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric space and analyze a point of the input space in the detailed anatomical context of the EBRAINS Human Brain Atlas.
In this tutorial, you will warp an example MRI scan to MNI ICBM 152 2009c Nonlinear Asymmetric space and analyze a point of the input space in the detailed anatomical context of the EBRAINS Human Brain Atlas.
voluba-mriwarp is a desktop application for aligning human MRI scans to MNI152 template and analyzing brain regions.
voluba is a browser-based tool for interactive alignment of volumes of interest to 3D atlases.
A tutorial on how to anchor partial volumetric data to BigBrain using voluba.
This course contains an introduction to currently available reference atlases for mouse and rat brain. It will demonstrate how the 3D brain templates for the reference atlases are acquired, how they are used as a basis for delineating the structures of the brain, how they can be enriched by other data modalities, and how they can be used as a basis for assigning location (coordinate based or semantic) to a wide range of structural and functional data collected from the brain.
QuickNII is one of several tools developed by the Human Brain Project (HBP) with the aim of facilitating brain atlas-based analysis and integration of experimental data and knowledge about the human and rodent brain.
VisuAlign is one of several tools developed by the Human Brain Project (HBP) with the aim of facilitating brain atlas based analysis and integration of experimental data and knowledge about the human and rodent brain.
WebAlign is an online tool for spatial registration of histological section images from rodent brains to reference 3D atlases.
WebWarp is an online tool for nonlinear refinement of spatial registration of histological section images from rodent brains to reference 3D atlases.
Here, we review approaches for integrating data describing neural connections and other modalities in rodent brain atlases and discuss how atlas-based workflows can facilitate brainwide analyses of neural network organization in relation to other facets of neuroarchitecture.
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