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20 Mar 2025

Four new open call projects will contribute with large datasets and new atlases through the EBRAINS Data and Knowledge and EBRAINS Atlas services

Images of Open Call winners

These projects, connected to the Services for FAIR Neuroscience Data and Data Processing at the University of Oslo, will bring new large collections of data, new brain atlases, and analytical workflows for these data types.

The  ALFA+EBRAINS project will contribute to the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and reusability (FAIR) of ALFA+ data to enable researchers to advance research in Alzheimer’s disease. The ALFA parent cohort of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center gathers information of 2,743 cognitively unimpaired individuals aged 45-74 years. ALFA+ is its nested longitudinal long-term study, and constitutes a unique dataset that includes neuroimaging, genetic, cognitive, lifestyle and clinical information of >400 participants at risk of AD, from which multitude of research projects and high-profile publications have derived.

The LFP-ATLAS project will make available raw local field potentials (LFP) time series from exactly defined anatomical locations and LFP spectral density distributions from microelectrode recordings obtained at 2629 CT-verified recordings sites distributed over 107 brain structures in 24 rats under well-defined experimental and behavioural conditions. These data will be integrated in the Waxholm rat atlas on the EBRAINs infrastructure and integration of similar data will be facilitated by providing detailed methods and tools.

The Marmoset@EBRAINS project will bring a new atlas of the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) cerebral cortex derived from the Nencki-Monash marmoset brain template, a gender-balanced, morphological average of 20 young adult marmosets. In addition, multimodal datasets, including comprehensive maps of neuronal distribution in the cortex and results from 143 experiments investigating cortical area connections using fluorescent tracers registered to this new reference framework will be available together with digital atlasing tools.

The NHP-EBRAINS project will bring neurophysiological non-human primate data from the In2PrimateBrains consortium. The aim is to make this data more accessible. A new processing and curation pipeline will be established to ensure harmonisation of data and metadata. This will be the starting point for an extensible open source NHP electrophysiological data resource. Analyses using EBRAINS tools will be implemented to demonstrate the interoperability of the data.

We are eager to start working on these projects! Stay tuned on for news and updates.

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