Making Research Infrastructures more Sustainable: EBRAINS participated in the GreenDIGIT Design Workshop

Image credit: GreenDIGIT
Over the span of two days, we took part in collaborative sessions aimed at tackling crucial aspects of building more sustainable digital research infrastructures. Participants discussed innovative solutions to optimise energy usage, reduce the carbon footprint, and enhance the efficiency of digital research infrastructures.
Some consortium members also presented a breakdown of existing policies when it comes to research infrastructures, in order to compare the status quo to what could be achieved with the project’s success.
The sessions focused on three Work Packages (WPs) in particular:
WP4: Architecture and Requirements Specification for Sustainable Research Infrastructures
WP5: Tools for Energy Efficient, Reproducible Open Science
WP6: Technology Enablers for Energy Efficiency in Research Infrastructures.
The GreenDIGIT project was initiated by 4 Digital Infrastructures - EGI, SoBigData, SLICES and EBRAINS - to address the vital needs of the ESFRI Research Infrastructures. It aims to make digital research infrastructures more environmentally friendly. ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, aims to ensure a coherent and strategy-led approach to policymaking on research infrastructures in Europe. EBRAINS has been on the ESFRI roadmap of strategically important research infrastructures since 2021.
As part of GreenDIGIT, EBRAINS is helping to address the challenge of reducing environmental impact by aiming to provide solutions that can be widely used across all types of digital services of the ESFRI landscape. We are also helping communicate and disseminate the project’s achievements.
Learn more about the project here.
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