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Workspaces in the Cloud for your research, development, documentation, and collaboration.

  • Cloud workspaces to work in private, collaborate with members of the community and publish results.
  • Easy to access, and use without IT hassles and no software installation.
  • Preserve, disseminate and evolve your workflows in interactive publications with Jupyter Notebooks.
  • Store your neuroscience data and other files (within the EBRAINS terms of use), with version control.

The EBRAINS Collaboratory offers researchers and developers a secure environment to work with others. You control the level of collaboration by sharing your projects with specific users, teams or all of the Internet. Many researchers are sharing their work already; several services, tools, datasets, and other resources are publicly available, and many more are available for registered users.

Target users


Create a collab for your research; store your data and notes, track your work in Jupyter Notebooks, or launch jobs on powerful EBRAINS supercomputers. Optionally, you can invite community members to join you and collaborate. Make your collab public when you’re ready to share it with the world. Publish your results and point readers to the collab with your live paper, so they can try out your workflow and data for themselves. Others can interact with the items you’ve shared, and then save those modifications to their own collabs (not to yours). See how collabs can aid you with your work, or even boost your research via Open Science.


Use the EBRAINS Collaboratory platform to create a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). You can use it to prepare and post reference documents, embed videos, and provide skeleton notebooks. You can also manage user access, all in the same environment that you and the EBRAINS community use for other research projects


Make your tools readily available to Jupyter Notebook users via the Collaboratory. Tools which pass qualification will be made available to users by EBRAINS. Conditions apply.


Stop sharing files or instructions by email which are hard to find and track later. Always have the latest version of your files at hand and keep all your data under version control. Take meeting minutes collaboratively without having to share your screen. Pick the users you add to your collab’s team and give them edit rights to boost your collaboration.

Make the most out of EBRAINS

EBRAINS is open and free. Sign up now for complete access to our tools and services.

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