Surf Ice is a tool for surface rendering the cortex with overlays to illustrate tractography, network connections, anatomical atlases and statistical maps. While there are many alternatives, Surf Ice is easy to use and uses advances shaders to generate stunning images. It supports many popular mesh formats [3ds, ac3d, BrainVoyager (srf), ctm, Collada (dae), dfs, dxf, FreeSurfer (Asc, Srf, Curv, gcs, Pial, W), GIfTI (gii), gts, lwo, ms3d, mz3, nv, obj, off, ply, stl, vtk], connectome formats (edge/node) and tractography formats [bfloat, pdb, tck, trk, vtk]. Surf Ice uses three stages to draw your image. The first two stages are computed in 3D and create both an image (left column) and a depth buffer (right column). The first stage draws all the items, while the second stage omits the background anatomical image. The final stage uses the 2D outputs of the prior stages. The depth map from the first stage is used to estimate ambient occlusion (SSAO), and the difference between the depth maps from the previous stages allows the software to infer the depth of the overlays behind the background (depth). The SSAO and depth images are composited with the images from the first two stages to generate the final image.
Data analysis and visualisation