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Cellular level simulation

The EBRAINS Cellular Level simulation tool suite includes custom workflows allowing neuroscientists to design, build, simulate and visualise neuronal models, from individual cells to entire brain regions, with cellular-level details. The cell and tissue model construction covers different brain areas. It is driven by experimental data that allows in silico exploration of their computational properties and their role in health and disease.


Arbor is a high-performance library for computational neuroscience simulations with multi-compartment, morphologically-detailed cells, from single cell models to very large networks. Arbor is written from the ground up with many-cpu and gpu architectures in mind, to help neuroscientists effectively use contemporary and future HPC systems to meet their simulation needs. Arbor supports NVIDIA and AMD GPUs as well as explicit vectorization on CPUs from Intel (AVX, AVX2 and AVX512) and ARM (Neon and SVE). When coupled with low memory overheads, this makes Arbor an order of magnitude faster than the most widely-used comparable simulation software. Arbor is open source and openly developed, and we use development practices such as unit testing, continuous integration, and validation.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulation


CoreNeuron supports a reduced set of the functionalities offered by the open source simulator NEURON. The software aims at supporting an efficient and scalable simulation of the electrical activity of neuronal networks that include morphologically detailed neurons. CoreNeuron has been implemented with the goal of minimising memory footprint and obtaining optimal performance, relying on the use of a single MPI process per node and 64 OpenMP threads on IBM BlueGene/Q systems.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulation

Interactive Workflows for Cellular Level Modeling

Work through a number of pipelines for single cell model optimization of different brain region cells, run in silico experiments of individual neurons, small circuits and entire brain regions, perform ad hoc data analysis on electrophysiological data, synaptic events fitting, morphology analysis and visualization.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulation


NetPyNE provides programmatic and graphical interfaces to develop data-driven multiscale brain neural circuit models using Python and NEURON. Users can define models using a standardised JSON-compatible, rule-based, declarative format Based on these specifications, NetPyNE will generate the network in NEURON, enabling users to run parallel simulations, optimize and explore network parameters through automated batch runs, and use built-in functions for visualization and analysis (e.g.,generate connectivity matrices, voltage traces, spike raster plots, local field potentials, and information theoretic measures). NetPyNE also facilitates model sharing by exporting and importing standardized formats: NeuroML and SONATA.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulation


The UI splits the workflows in two tabs available at the top of the screen: define your network and create network. The NetPyNE GUI is implemented on top of Geppetto, an open-source platform that provides the infrastructure for building tools for visualizing neuroscience models and data and for managing simulations in a highly accessible way. The GUI is defined using JavaScript, React and HTML5. This offers a flexible and intuitive way to create advanced layouts while still enabling each of the elements of the interface to be synchronized with the Python model. The interactive Python backend is implemented as a Jupyter Notebook extension which provides direct communication with the Python kernel. This makes it possible to synchronize the data model underlying the GUI with a custom Python-based NetPyNE model. This functionality is at the heart of the GUI and means any change made to the NetPyNE model in the Python kernel is immediately reflected in the GUI and vice versa. The tool’s GUI is available at and is under active development.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulation


NEURON's computational engine employs special algorithms that achieve high efficiency by exploiting the structure of the equations that describe neuronal properties. It has functions that are tailored for conveniently controlling simulations, and presenting the results of real neurophysiological problems graphically in ways that are quickly and intuitively grasped. Instead of forcing users to reformulate their conceptual models to fit the requirements of a general purpose simulator, NEURON is designed to let them deal directly with familiar neuroscience concepts. Consequently, users can think in terms of the biophysical properties of membrane and cytoplasm, the branched architecture of neurons, and the effects of synaptic communication between cells.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulation


NeuroScheme uses schematic representations, such as icons and glyphs to encode attributes of neural structures (i.e. neurons, columns, layers, populations, etc.). This abstraction alleviates problems with displaying, navigating, and analysing, large datasets. It has been designed specifically to manage hierarchically organised neural structures; one can navigate through the levels of the hierarchy, and hone in on their desired level of details. NeuroScheme works using what we call "domains". These domains specify which entities, attributes and relationships are going to be used for a specific use case. NeuroScheme currently has two built-in domains: “cortex” and “congen”. The “cortex” domain is designed for navigating and analysing cerebral cortex structures (i.e. neurons, micro-columns, columns, layers, etc.). The “congen” domain can be used to define the properties of both cells and connections, create circuits composed of neurons, and build populations. Groups of populations can be easily moved to a higher level of abstraction (such as column or layer), allowing one to create complex networks with little effort. These circuits can be exported afterwards and used for further analysis and simulations.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulationData analysis and visualisation


Visualise neurons and neural circuits consisting of a large number of cells with NeuroTessMesh on your desktop. It enables the visualisation of the 3D morphology of cells included in open databases, such as NeuroMorpho, and provides the tools needed to approximate missing information such as the soma’s morphology. NeuroTessMesh takes morphological tracings of cells acquired by neuroscientists as its only input. It generates 3D models that approximate the neuronal membrane. The resolution of the models can be adapted at the time of visualisation. NeuroTessMesh can assign different colours to different morphologies, in order to visually codify relevant morphological variables, or even neuronal activity.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulationData analysis and visualisation


Snudda is a tool that allows the user to place neurons within multiple volumes, then performs touch detection to infer where putative synapses are based on reconstructed neuron morphologies. To match experimental pair-wise recordings the putative synapses are then pruned to get the final set of synapses. Using neuron models optimised with BluePyOpt the entire network can be simulated using the NEURON simulator.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulationNetwork level simulation


ViSimpl involves two components: SimPart and StackViz. SimPart is a three-dimensional visualizer for spatio-temporal data that allow spatio/temporal analysis of the simulation data, using particle-based rendering. StackViz illustrates how the electrophysiological variables evolve over time and provides a temporal representation of the data at different aggregation levels. They allow users to visually discriminate the activity of different groups of neurons, and provide detailed information about individual neurons of interest. These components share synchroniszed playback control of the simulation being analyzsed and work together as linked views, although they are loosely coupled and can also be used independently. They are ready to be used with BlueConfig Datasets among other file formats such as specific HDF5 and CSV. VisSimpl can be coupled with NeuroScheme for adding functionality such as navigate through the underlying structure of the data using symbolic representations and different levels of abstraction.

Modelling and simulationCellular level simulationData analysis and visualisation

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