10th EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroscience: From Neurons to The Virtual Brain, Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence

The summer school is organised in collaboration with EBRAINS, European Brain Research InfrastructureS. EBRAINS is the European network of digital infrastructure to accelarate brain research, advance innovations for brain health and translate brain knowledge into technological advances of artificial intelligence.
The 10th EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroscience “From Neurons to The Virtual Brain, Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence” will provide you with the latest achievements in the brain research, implications to AI methods and applications in clinical practice.
The combined workshops and 10th EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroscience are focused on:
multiscale modeling of brain functions;
individualized virtual human brain models and precision medicine;
brain-inspired computation algorithms;
links between the brain and deep learning;
ethics in neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
The target audience of this school are advanced master students, doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in neuroscience, medicine, artificial intelligence, and other related fields such as mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry, biology, neuropsychology, cognitive sciences, and more. Female candidates are strongly enouraged to apply.
After attending this event, participants will have learned to:
computational modeling of brain functions at a single neuron and the whole brain levels;
building and simulation of The Virtual Brain personalized brain models;
interlinks between the brain functions and deep learning algorithms;
concepts of consciousness in biological and artificial systems;
ethics in neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
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All news & events- News05 Mar 2025