EBRAINS Training on Brain Atlases and Simulation Services for ANA Members
This event was facilitated by the EBRAINS AISBL and the HBP Scientific Liaison Unit after the ANA leadership expressed interest in learning more about the specific tools and services provided by EBRAINS. The Training focused on Brain Atlases and Simulation Services, topics that were based on the previously stated interest of ANA members.
Co-chairs Jan Bjaalie, Special Advisor for Neuroinformatics, and Isabella Sarto-Jackson, President of ANA, opened the event with a warm welcome to participants.
In the following first Hands-on Session, participants learned about the usage and possibilities of the Knowledge Graph and Data Curation services. The afternoon sessions were divided into two parallel sessions with a focus on Human Brain Atlas integration, Elephant, the EBRAINS Mouse and Rat Brain Atlases, QUINT, ilastik, and NEST.
The event was a great success with 46 attendees overall, and helped to further facilitate the interest of the Austrian research community in EBRAINS services, also in the context of potential future collaborations on national and international projects.
We want to thank all speakers, organisers and tutors – without them none of these exciting sessions would have been possible. Also, a thank you to the hard-working Programme Committee, who has been active behind the scenes for many months to put such an appealing schedule together.