Next-level Community building for EBRAINS
A two-day event providing you with the opportunity to:
Shape a future for the EBRAINS community
Hear inspiring practices of community building in research infrastructures
Develop your leadership skills with training in concrete tools for community building and leading diverse teams
Form concrete actionable steps for taking the EBRAINS community to the next level
This year, the Summer School is focused on engaging and supporting experienced collaborators in and around EBRAINS. The event is open to the full EBRAINS community, with a focus on EBRAINS Community managers and officers, EBRAINS WP members, event, communication and support staff within EBRAINS, and partners from EBRAINS National Nodes.
Our vision is to foster a user driven and diverse EBRAINS community where members can connect, collaborate, organise events, initiate discussions, and form sub-communities based on shared interests and needs.
Participation is free, but EBRAINS members are expected to plan and pay their own travel and accommodation.
Participants will be part of developing next-level EBRAINS community while gaining new knowledge and skills. You will:
Be part of shaping the future of the EBRAINS community
Develop the actions that are taken to develop the community
Enhance your personal skills for community building
Get insight and skills for building diverse research communities